Nobody’s Perfect Parenting – Online Sessions Via Zoom
Join Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House for our next Nobody's Perfect Parenting Program virtually via Zoom
Nobody's Perfect Parenting Program is:
- connecting and communicating with other parents of young children
- helping parents build on skills they have and learn new ones
- improving parent's self-esteem and coping skills
- discussing real-life parenting situations
- increasing parent's understanding of children's health, safety, and behaviour
- promoting positive parenting
Come join us for the next Nobody's Perfect Parenting Program which runs every Thursday for 6 weeks, beginning on: Thursday, February 18th, 2021 from 1:00PM to 1:45PM
A maximum of 8 participants can participate to ensure the program can benefit all participant's needs during each session.
Sessions will run for 6 weeks for 45 minutes. Space is limited so register as soon as possible.
To register, please provide: your name & child's name and age to Brigette (Family Support Worker) at or Wendy (Family Support Worker) at
We will email you a Zoom Meeting link before each session on the day of.
What is Zoom and how do I use it?