Neighbourhood houses are welcoming places where everyone can attend, participate, lead and learn through programs, services and community building. They open their doors as a second home in the community and offer needs-based programs and services to residents.
The neighbourhood and settlement house movement is credited with establishing public recreation programs, daycares for working parents, English as a second language and adult literacy classes, as well as the beginnings of the profession of social work. Today neighbourhood houses are hubs for local community development activities and for programs and services that address local needs.
The mandate of Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House to:
- Act as a ‘hub’ where people can find the social connections, supports and services that are integral to their wellbeing
- Provide programs, services and activities responsive to local needs and cultures
- Provide a place for lifelong friendships and social networks
- Provide opportunities for leadership and volunteering
- Provide a venue for celebrations
To learn more about the neighbourhood house movement visit: https://www.yournh.ca/